
拜伦经典诗歌有哪些? 最有名的诗是《当我们分别》 。
When we two parted 
In silence and tears, 
To sever for years, 
Pale grew thy cheek and cold, 
Colder thy kiss; 
Truly that hour foretold 
Sorrow to this. 
The dew of the morning 
Sank chill on my brow-- 
It felt like the warning 
Of what I feel now. 
Thy vows are all broken, 
And light is thy fame; 
I hear thy name spoken, 
And share in its shame. 
They name thee before me, 
A knell to mine ear; 
A shudder comes o'er me-- 
Why wert thou so dear? 
【拜伦的诗有哪些】They know not I knew thee, 
Who knew thee too well:-- 
Long, long shall I rue thee, 
Too deeply to tell. 
In secret we met-- 
In silence I grieve, 
That thy heart could forget, 
Thy spirit deceive. 
If I should meet thee 
After long years, 
How shall I greet thee?-- 
With silence and tears.  

拜伦的著名诗歌有哪些? 《给一位淑女》:
当人被逐出伊甸园门 , 在门首盘桓 , 不忍遽去 , 
眼前的一切都枨触前尘 , 都叫他诅咒未来的境遇 。
此后 , 他远走异域关山 , 学会了如何忍受悲苦;
对往日良辰只付之一叹 , 借纷繁景象把心事排除 。
亲爱的玛丽!我也像这般 , 不得不与你芳姿告别;
倘若我在你左近盘桓 , 我也会叹惜往日的一切 。
远游能使我明智地脱险 , 逃离此间魔障的引诱;
只要我还能见到这乐园 , 就不甘默认我无福消受 。
1、时时洋溢着奔放的热情 , 虽然拜伦诗歌的基调有时会激越昂扬 , 有时又会讽刺辛辣 , 但不论是带有悲观情绪还是满怀战斗豪情 , 其诗歌“始终浸透着抒情的气氛和爱憎分明的深沉感情” 。
不仅如此 , 诗人还在诗歌中 , 大量运用夹叙夹议的艺术手法 , 结合对景物的描写 , 由触景生情而直抒胸臆 , 随处畅叙他对哲学、社会、政治、历史、宗教和艺术的精辟见解 。
所以 , 若论拜伦抒情叙事诗的卓然不凡 , 则不仅在于其视野的开阔 , 文笔的美妙 , 更在于它的人文知识内涵的丰裕与广博 。
2、拜伦是个热情如火的诗人 , 其热情还主要表现在他对现实的不满和反抗之中 , 他面对统治阶级的不公和对工人阶级的奴役和压迫 , 在许多诗作中提出过强烈的反抗与辛辣的讽刺 , 但拜伦不仅讽刺社会的黑暗 , 他更将热情倾注于战斗的呐喊之中 。

拜伦的诗句大全 原文:
She walks in beauty

She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes,
and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright meet
in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express how pure,
how dear their dwelling place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
