
感觉英文怎么写? feel
“感觉好像”用英语怎么说? feeling a.感觉 词形变化: 副词:feelingly 例句与用法: His rapid promotion caused much bad feeling among his colleagues. 他获迅速提升在同事中引起很大的不满 。 He spoke feelingly about his dismissal. 他激动地谈到自己被解雇一事 。 He lost all feeling in his toes. 他的脚趾完全失去了知觉 。 You have no feeling for the beauty of nature. 你对大自然的美缺乏欣赏力 。 I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪 。 feel v. 感觉 词形变化: 动词过去式:felt 过去分词:felt 现在分词:feeling 第三人称单数:feels 例句与用法: Can you feel the tension in this room? 你能觉察出这房间里的紧张气氛吗? I felt it advisable to do nothing. 我认为最好什麽也别做 。 I like the feel of this cloth; it has a warm woolly feel. 我喜欢这块布给我的感觉, 它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和 。 Nothing feels right in our new house. 我们新房子里, 样样都觉得不对劲 。 My children's skill with computers really makes me feel my age! 我的孩子使用电脑得心应手确使我觉得自己老了 。 The dead cannot feel. 死人没有知觉 。 Are you feeling better? 你感觉好些吗?
感觉的英文怎么写? 名词形式是feeling
例: I have a bad feeling about him. 我对他的感觉不好/他给我的感觉不好
有感觉用英文怎么说 一、感觉[gǎn jué][释义]feel; sensation; sense perception; perceive; become aware of; [例句]
Do you really feel that way?
2.我也有同样的感觉 。 I feel much the same way.3.那你现在感觉如何? So how are you feeling?
二、1.[sense;sensibility;sensation] 动物及人体接受外界传来的及发自体内组织和器官的刺激之特性 。
2.[be aware of; feel;perceive] 觉得,认 。
好感觉用英语怎么说 回答和翻译如下 :


Good feeling
感觉英语怎么说? 对某件事
是 have a feeling of sth.
比如, I have a feeling of falling.

或者是复合句, I have a feeling that I am falling


就是 have a feeling for sb.
感觉, 用英语怎么说?名词 感觉的英文是feel, feel英式发音为 [fi:l], 美式发音为[fil]  , 意思有:感觉, 认为, 触摸, 试探 。
1、I am feeling very depressed 
我觉得非常沮丧 。
2、It feels good to have finished a piece of work 
完成一项工作后感觉很好 。
3、The metal felt smooth and cold 
这种金属摸起来冰冷而光滑 。
4、It felt wintry cold that day. 
那天感觉像冬天一样寒冷 。
5、The doctor felt his head 
医生摸了摸他的头 。
6、Through several layers of clothes I could feel his muscles 
透过好几层衣服, 我能感觉到他的肌肉 。
【学习知识|感觉用英语怎么说,英语的13个脏话单词】7、She felt something being pressed into her hands 
她感觉有什么东西塞到了她手里 。
8、I felt myself blush 
我不觉脸红了 。
9、He felt her eyes on him 
他感觉到她在看着他 。

感觉怎么样用英语怎么说? 1、感觉好像:feel like 
2、对……友好:be firendly with 
3、因某事而感谢某人:thanks sb for doing sth 
4、与某人相处得好:get on with sb
“feel like”一词的具体介绍
feel like, 英 [fi:l laik]   美 [fil la?k]  
摸起来像是…, 有…的感觉;想要…
Sometimes I feel like I'm living with a stranger. 
有时我觉得自己和一个陌生人生活在一起 。
